

Airbase supports popular full-stack and frontend web application frameworks, including:

  • Next.js (React)
  • Nuxt.js (Vue)

With some additional work, it's also possible to host projects with a distinct frontend and backend-for-frontend (BFF):

  • Express serving both an API server and the build output of Create React App (CRA)

When setting up your project with airbase configure, you'll be asked to choose a framework. This determines the default commands that are presented to you for building and running your application, as well as the directories packaged by default for deployment.

Supported Frameworks

Custom Frameworks

If you're using a framework that isn't listed above, you can still use Airbase to deploy your application. When setting up your project with airbase configure, choose the "other" option.

After that, specify your build and start commands.

Inside the airbase.json file, you'll need to specify the directories that should be packaged for deployment in the "include" section.

  // airbase.json
    "name": "example",
    "framework": "custom",
    "scripts": {
      "build": "npm run build",
      "start": "node dist/server.js"
-   }
+   },
+   "include": [
+     "dist/**/*.js"
+   ]

If there's a specific framework you'd like to see supported, please let us know (opens in a new tab). We're always looking to improve Airbase and make it easier for developers to deploy their applications.

Other Languages

Airbase currently supports the nodejs runtime. Support for other languages isn't currently under development.

That said, if there's a particular language you'd really like to use, please drop us a note (opens in a new tab). We'd love to hear how we can support you.