

takes 3 minutes to complete


This guide is also available in video form on the GovTech YouTube channel (opens in a new tab).

Install the Airbase CLI

First, you’ll need the Airbase Command Line Interface (CLI).

Screenshot of the Airbase CLI

sudo npm install --global @airbase/airbase-cli

If it’s successfully installed, running airbase --version will print the current version of the CLI.

Optional: Checking the installed version
airbase --version
Optional: Updating Airbase
sudo npm remove --global @airbase/airbase-cli && sudo npm install --global @airbase/airbase-cli

Log in to the Airbase CLI

Run airbase login to connect your computer to the Airbase account.

airbase login

Visit the link with a web browser to complete the authentication process.

🛫 Log in to Airbase in your browser
Press Ctrl + C to cancel
======= after filling in the form =======
  Successfully logged in
Run airbase configure to configure your project

Enable SEED Compatibility mode

When SEED / CloudFlare WARP is enabled, the UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY error may occur.

Run airbase fix seed to automatically configure the new certificates.

airbase fix seed
Optional: Manual Instructions

On some systems, manual installation of the CloudFlare for Teams certificate may be required.

mkdir -p ~/.airbase
security find-certificate -p -c "Cloudflare for Teams ECC Certificate Authority" > ~/.airbase/seed.pem
export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=~/.airbase/seed.pem