

NuxtJS is a full-stack framework that makes it easy to deploy web applications in a single codebase with VueJS.


Configure Airbase to use the nuxtjs framework

Run airbase configure and select nuxtjs from the list of frameworks when prompted.

user@laptop example % airbase configure
Configuring project for Airbase
? Project Name: example
? Framework: nuxtjs
? Command to build production deployment: npm run build
? Command to start production server: node server/index.mjs
  name: "example"
  framework: "nuxtjs"
  scripts: {
    build: "npm run build"
    start: "node server/index.mjs"
? Save configuration? Yes
Configuration saved in ./airbase.json
Run airbase build to create a deployment package.
user@laptop example %

Build and deploy your application

Now that the Airbase configuration has been updated, run airbase build as normal to build your application.

Then deploy the application with airbase deploy.