

Application Development

What Frameworks does Airbase support?

Right now, we have native support the full-stack framework called NextJS (opens in a new tab).

Since it's a React framework, NextJS is well-supported by the community and is one of the most popular frameworks for building web applications. It provides both the frontend and backend of your application, and is a great choice for quickly prototyping a full-stack web app.

We also provide templates for building your site with SGDS and NextJS.

Can I use other frameworks?

Sure! There are just a few additional steps of varying complexity to get your application running on Airbase.


Double-check that the application size fits within the limits: 200 MB (unzipped) and 50 MB (zipped).

When you run airbase configure and select the framework, select the option to custom. You'll be prompted to enter the command to start your application.

Add the build output folder and node_modules to the include list in your airbase.json file.

    "name": "my-airbase-app",
    "framework": "custom",
    "scripts": {
      "start": "npm run start"
+   "include": [
+     "build/**/*",
+     "node_modules/**/*"
+   ]

Read more about using the include feature.

What's the largest application I can deploy on Airbase?

The largest application you can deploy on Airbase is 200 MB (unzipped) and 50 MB (zipped).

If the deployment package is larger than the 50MB limit, it cannot be deployed on Airbase.

Here are some options:

Application Packaging

How big can my application be?

We can only accept applications under 200 MB (unzipped) and 50 MB (zipped)

How do I include resources, static assets, and other public files (e.g. /public directories)?

Here's how to add an include list with globs to your airbase.json file.

    "name": "my-airbase-app",
    "framework": "nextjs-standalone",
    "scripts": {
      "build": "npm run build",
      "start": "node server.js"
+   "include": [
+     "public/**/*",
+     "extras/**/*.svg"
+   ]

Read more about using the include feature.

Why is my question not here?

That’s a good question! Ask us here (opens in a new tab), and we'll get back to you soon.