Deployment Size Exceeded

Deployment Size Exceeded

The maximum supported size of a deployment is 50 MB. If you exceed this limit, you will see the following error message:

Error: Deployment size exceeded 50 MB. Please reduce the size of your deployment.


To reduce the size of a deployment:

  • consider hosting images and other large assets on a Content Distribution Network (CDN)
  • downscale images to the required size (e.g. use webp or jpeg instead of full-resolution originals)
  • remove unused code and resources from your project

Also consider:

  • removing unused includes from the airbase.json (e.g. include just public/*.svg instead of public/**)
  • removing unused dependencies from package.json and the node_modules directory
  • switch to NextJS Standalone mode for more efficient dependency tracing


If advanced features are required, or the project has outgrown the 50 MB limit, consider using other platforms to deploy your project.