

Express is a popular web server library used in many web applications.


Hosting a full-stack web application? There's dedicated support for NextJS and NuxtJS too.


Gather the required information

These are the parameters you'll need

  • a build command
    • which should build the application prior to packaging for deployment
    • common examples include: npm run build (recommended), tsc, and vite.
    • if no build command is required, use echo "build not required"
  • a start command
    • which tells airbase how to start your web application
    • common examples include:
      • node dist/index.js (if built from src/index.ts, use the appropriate path to the entrypoint)
      • node index.js (if no build is required or directly shipping js code)
  • a list of dependencies to include
    • dependencies are automatically traced to reduce the packaged deployment size (50 MB limit)
    • additional assets can be manually included by adding globs to the include section of airbase.json
    • some examples of globs: public/**/*, static/**/*.json (more available here

Configure Airbase to use the express framework

Run airbase configure and select express from the list of frameworks when prompted.

user@laptop example % airbase configure
Configuring project for Airbase
? Project Name: example
? Framework: express
? Command to build production deployment: npm run build
? Command to start production server: node dist/index.js
  name: "example"
  framework: "nuxtjs"
  scripts: {
    build: "npm run build"
    start: "node dist/index.js"
? Save configuration? Yes
Configuration saved in ./airbase.json
Run airbase build to create a deployment package.
user@laptop example %

Build and deploy your application

Now that the Airbase configuration has been updated, run airbase build as normal to build your application.

Then deploy the application with airbase deploy.